The Relevant Past: The Basics of Erich Fromm

Erich Fromm was one of my favorite research topics during my undergrad classes. For those of you who aren’t familiar with psychological theorists, Erich Fromm, born as Erich Seligman Fromm, was one of the world’s leading psychoanalysts. He’s also attributed as being a social behaviorist, a philosopher and a Marxist. Fromm became more relevant to …

How Do You Want to Feel?

Losing my job in December was quite an experience. While the sale of the facility I managed wasn’t withheld, I’d convinced myself that my job was safe. Now, delusion is a whole other topic that deserves its own article, but suffice it to say that it took me until the very end to see the inevitable coming. …

Risk: According to Quotes

Risk is a part of life we all have to manage. The uncertainty that accompanies every risk we take has the potential to inhibit action and prevent positive changes. Throughout the ages, many have tried to put into words exactly what risk is and what it means to them. Some have been more successful than …

The Inner Critic and Emotional Freedom

Regardless of if you’re scrolling through your Newsfeed, or skimming another top 10 list, odds are that even if you’re not speaking out loud, you’re still hearing your voice say words. It’s internal speech, another oddity of the human brain. Most of the time your inner monologue simply exists in your head, helping you make …

My 30 Before 30 List

I want a full life. A life filled with adventure, learning, and love. There will always be things that scare me, and reasons for me to feel as if living the way I choose is somehow “less responsible” than living the way the world tells me is the “right” way. But, if I don’t start making changes now, when …

A Look at Critical Thinking

     The saying goes ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. And, boy, is it wrong. Preventative maintenance is a thing for a reason. Cars get routine oil changes. People have annual physicals. Hell, even your favorite websites get facelifts on a regular basis. The same should be said of everyone’s critical thinking skills. At this …

Releasing Inhibitions

     Everyone has some experience with that awkward fear that makes us second guess ourselves.  As an introverted, fat girl, I grew up with a whole slew of body and activity policing in my life.  With the media’s insistent pressure to conform to unachievable standards, it’s becoming increasingly impossible to escape the overwhelming bombardment of “you’re not good enough”. Do you …

Disabling Auto-Pilot: Self- Awareness and Conscious Living

     Self-awareness is a tricky concept. The human brain, pulsating, lazy, tangle of nerves that it is, takes training and exercise before it can turn it’s clever, amazing powers in on itself. For the sake of efficiency, since your brain is constantly being bombarded with sensations from your environment, i.e., the sounds of the ticking clock …

The Right Direction: An Introduction

      At this pivotal point in my life, I’ve decided to take responsibility for my happiness. I’m putting those hard-earned life lessons together with that Psychology degree people keep asking me what I’m ‘going to do’ with, and I’m making something for myself. I want to help people. Always have. But it took …