My 30 Before 30 List

I want a full life. A life filled with adventure, learning, and love. There will always be things that scare me, and reasons for me to feel as if living the way I choose is somehow “less responsible” than living the way the world tells me is the “right” way.

But, if I don’t start making changes now, when will I start living my dreams?

Now – this day, this hour, this second – is all anyone is ever guaranteed. Life is worth more than the world tells us. Why are so many people wasting it, myself included? Nobody can keep us from creating beauty, or giving in to wanderlust. I refuse to let my dreams go just because this world tells me I need specific attributes to be a worthy of respect and success. Your worth doesn’t define you. You define your worth. I am worthy, not because of what I do, the things I have, or the people I know, I am worthy because I am me.

Who you are is shaped by your experiences. So I am choosing experiences that’ll help me to develop into the person I want to be.

Being mindful of how my time is spent has been a big focus for me recently.  I’ve been setting lots of professional and educational goals, both long and short term.

Goals Infographic editedsm

I also pared down my seemingly endless, ever expanding bucket list to a do-able 30 Before 30 list. These goals are completely personal. They are all ways for me to meet new people, follow my dreams, nourish my relationships, or take new risks so that my life is more than just surviving, the way the world says I should.

1) Finish that Master’s degree
2) Purchase my First Home
3) Attend a TEDx Event
4) Try Cosplay
5) Live in Another Country
6) Roller Derby Tryouts
7) Boudoir Photoshoot
8) Grow my Own Garden
9) Start a Business
10) Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
11) Sky Dive
12) Have a Spa Day
13) Michigan Waterfall Tour
14) Spend the Night Under the Stars
15) Participate in an Activist March or Rally
16) Golf 18 Holes
17) Vegas
18) Travel by Train
19) Live in Another Country
20) Summer of Concerts 
21) Burning Man
22) Volunteer
23) Whitewater Rafting
24) Get David Tennant’s Autograph, Preferably in Person
25) Mardi Gras
26) Online Dating
27) Live Alone
28) Take a Kickboxing Class
29) Write a book

You’ll notice #29 and #30 are blank. I will fill in #29 on my 28th birthday. And I will fill in #30 on my 29th birthday. This allows me to give myself time to grow, time to change, and time to figure out new goals for myself.

You’ll also notice some of these are already crossed out. Those were great experiences, all of which taught me great things!

Coincidently, or not, this condensed list includes some great blog topic ideas! Keep an eye out for those in the future 🙂

Have a list of your own? Share a link in the comments below!