The Right Direction: An Introduction

      At this pivotal point in my life, I’ve decided to take responsibility for my happiness. I’m putting those hard-earned life lessons together with that Psychology degree people keep asking me what I’m ‘going to do’ with, and I’m making something for myself. I want to help people. Always have. But it took me exactly 26 years, 11 months, 4 days  to figure out how to effectively apply my skills and intention in a way to truly make a meaningful outward impact. While I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not exactly where I want to be in life, I feel relatively balanced and I’m continually working on personal growth, so I know I’m heading in the right direction.

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     It was New Years Eve, and I was home, missing the Kiddo who was at Grammy’s house, thinking about turning in early since ‘nothing’ was my pre-arranged agenda for the evening. Absent-mindedly checking my cell after the tell-tale bleep of a new text, I read the meme once, then again. It read something along the lines of: “I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I didn’t become a better person”. It was supposed to be humorous, and I might have chuckled, well at leased cracked a smile, if I hadn’t lost my job the day before. The circumstances weren’t all that dire, I knew I was going to be getting the pink slip. It was the overwhelming feeling of dread when I thought about having to find another soul-crushing job that would only allow me to continue on with my life in debt-slave mode… Or, I could embrace change, make the situation work in my favor and become a better person in the process.

      Seeking Self is my way or rekindling my passion for writing in a way that will allow me to operate my life with a greater sense of awareness of what is going on in the world around me. I can’t ignore this insatiable need for self-knowledge, and I feel compelled to share with the world in the hopes of engaging and helping others. So, I welcome you to my new platform of self-discovery. This will be the place where I connect with, and respond to, my world. I’ll be reflecting on experiences and setting new goals, with the intention of rekindling a natural sense of curiosity, freeing my inner voice, and finding my tribe. This is me living out loud. This is me Seeking Self. I’m glad you’re here, to continue the introduction, please see my About page!