Only WE can prevent fascist dictatorship…

Dear America,
Happy Labor Day! Anyone else getting real sick of this shit: #SaveUSPS #OverturnCitizensUnited #HumanRights2020

Source: #SaveUSPS #OverturnCitizensUnited #HumanRights2020

SaveUSPS #OverturnCitizensUnited #HumanRights2020

Yes, that’s right, unchecked capitalism is obviously a GLOBAL problem! It’s wreaking havoc on quality of living in nearly every nation.

However, this infographic specifically addresses 12 American Corporations which represent OVER 440 BRANDS. “Opting out” of this monopoly isn’t really an option, so TODAY, I’m committing to doing more!

Most of the people reading this don’t really know me. I’m just a person. I’m not famous, or even infamous.. I don’t give a shit about being an “influencer”. I’m privileged AF. I’ve personally benefitted from some of the worst parts of our ‘shared culture’. AND, I’ve also been building my equity lenses since I was 7. I make mistakes, I learn, I try again. I have endless gratitude for everyone who has helped me learn how to be a better Human. #SaveUSPS #OverturnCitizensUnited #HumanRights2020

Is It Too Late?

For a long, long time I’ve kept my thoughts about the lack of Humanity in my country’s way of doing things to myself (and the people I trust & Love).

Though, I’ve seen lack in our society’s moral fiber every where. It can be see in the way we birth, raise, and educate our children. It can be seen in the way our individual value is both undermined and commodified at the same time. In too many ways, we are lied to, manipulated, and mentally trained to accept much worse living conditions than we have a right to access. #SaveUSPS #OverturnCitizensUnited #HumanRights2020

It’s Never Too Late To Take Action!

In honor of The Collective, all of us who are working to do our best: I started a project focused on sending the following letter to all US politicians and the US Corporations & Brands listed in the above info graphic.

I’ve set up a & gofundme (for stamps!) to bring this project into our Reality before November’s elections: #SaveUSPS #OverturnCitizensUnited #HumanRights2020

Justice can no longer remain a matter of abstract principles. We must now focus on how we deal with ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in our daily lives.

We must look at how fairly we, as individuals, behave towards others and how we each can observe and honor the multitude of desires, goals, needs, and experiences in the world around us. #SaveUSPS #OverturnCitizensUnited #HumanRights2020

I’m going to send these letters. I’m encouraging grassroots action. I work to hold space for people to share their experiences.

These are all ways I am committed to playing my vital role in both changing the system we are a part of, and helping people transition through those changes.

What actions are you taking? Who’s benefitting from your behavior?

#SaveUSPS #OverturnCitizensUnited #HumanRights2020