Why Am I Here?

Can I be brutally honest about something? My parents are the kind of people who probably should never have had children – especially together.  Not that I’m complaining because, as my Dad likes to point out: That means I wouldn’t be here.
I spent some serious time trying to re-parent myself as a young adult. And the thing about Dad’s perspective that trips me up, is that it implies that there’s a PURPOSE behind ME being HERE – NOW – not complaining at you.
Ya know what? That implication resonates with my beliefs.
The idea of ‘purpose’ has been rattling around the inside of my skull for a few weeks. I’ve mentally-mapped out all of those life choices that led me down the twisting path to today. Admittedly, I have had to put some of them down on paper before.. but, if I tried to tell you all about me right now it would just take too much damn time.
So, I’ll share my war-stories later, and share a distilled list of beliefs for now:
~ I believe that life is choices.
~ I believe that learning never stops.
~ I believe everyone has incongruences that can be healed.
~ I believe in helping people discover strategies and skills needed to be their best selves – and to show up when it’s most important.
After processing and reflecting, I can honestly say that these are the reasons I get out of bed in the morning. The reasons I keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone and keep SEEKING SELF.
Since we’re HERE together, NOW, I want to share something else with you:
When I was a kid, one of my biggest irrational fears was being buried alive.. A couple years ago, I recognized the real scary part – as time passed, and years started adding up, I had allowed myself to become buried by life.
Experience can be cumbersome. Hardships are heavy. And success can feel fleeting when it’s achieved amid chaos.
One of the most valuable lessons I have to keep re-learning is that: You don’t have to unload on your own. 
* I know what it’s like to feel bogged down by dissatisfaction and overwhelm.
* I know how it feels to be stuck and lost.
* I also know that life is a series of choices.
Let’s face it – Exploring the pain of being overwhelmed or dissatisfied, and thinking about the fear of being stagnant or failing is uncomfortable. But, discomfort is part of growth.
Growth is necessary to move to a place of connection, where you can get past the fear and the pain, and truly begin to know yourself again.
Yes, it’s challenging to try new things. But we ALWAYS have the choice of at least trying to rise to the challenge.
Part of this challenge for me – as I continue to unbury myself – is learning to recognize and attend-to my needs. Not as a daughter, student, entrepreneur, mother, or any of the other ‘specific roles’ I am responsible for.. but as my whole self. The person who has to fulfill ALL of those roles while still leaving room to just “BE”.
This need for self-care both drives and is driven-by, my beliefs.
~ I need to choose to put myself first – so that I can continue to help others.
~ I need to learn what self-care looks like in my life right now, and build an adaptable plan.
~ I need self-care to continue healing my own incongruence.
~  I need self-care to continue seeking Truth, Positivity, and Abundance – so that I can FULFILL MY PURPOSE.
With these realizations, I’m officially declaring September to be Self-Care Month. Who’s with me??
We’ll focus on how self-care impacts Wellbeing. And how Wellbeing shapes purpose. Our intention will be to lean into our discomforts so that we can GROW beyond them.
Through-out the month I’ll be writing about self-care, posting outside sources, hosting a 5 day challenge, and bringing in experts to share their opinions.