Showing 3 Result(s)

Shifting from feeling Lonely to feeling Safe.

Disconnection looks like spending more time (and money!) with coping mechanisms, keeping up with the Jones’ (or Kardashian’s) and doing anything to zone out (when you’re not desperately working to fit in)…

Rather than living joyfully, engaged with a Loving community & intimate connections while practicing an abundant passion. Disconnection feels like strife, struggle and suffering. Connection feels like Love, peace and freedom.

The Inner Critic and Emotional Freedom

Regardless of if you’re scrolling through your Newsfeed, or skimming another top 10 list, odds are that even if you’re not speaking out loud, you’re still hearing your voice say words. It’s internal speech, another oddity of the human brain. Most of the time your inner monologue simply exists in your head, helping you make …

The Right Direction: An Introduction

      At this pivotal point in my life, I’ve decided to take responsibility for my happiness. I’m putting those hard-earned life lessons together with that Psychology degree people keep asking me what I’m ‘going to do’ with, and I’m making something for myself. I want to help people. Always have. But it took …